Term 2 - Lesson 1

Today we started a new topic which is about practise schedules. We identified different categories that we need to focus on during our practise time and how to organise our time so that we get the most done rather than noodle for an hour. Having a practise schedule will mean that we cover all important aspects of playing guitar regularly and our playing will improve broadly over a shorter period of time than if we just practised casually.

Our categories are:
Sight reading
Ear Training
Exercises and Techniques

Then I made a rough plan of how I will organise my practise schedule and what I might do for each categories.

Sight reading: I could re-learn a song but I would read it from sheet music, so I would already know what the notes are but by recalling them from a stave I would begin to learn the notes on my fretboard.
I could also learn a tab but have the sheet music underneath then cover up the tab when I've learned it then read the sheet music.

Ear training: There is a website called musictheory.net that is really helpful and I could use this to practise intervals for example.

Exercises and Technique: I will practise bends, hammer ons, pull offs, slides etc as well as warm up exercises that I have learned in the lessons.

Chords: I could figure out triads of chords and figure out different ways to play songs. Other challenges could be only making triads on the middle 3 strings.

Rhythm: To improve my sense of rhythm I could learn songs in different time signatures for example 6/8 or 7/8. I could also practise the rhythmic scale with a metronome.

Improvisation: I could improvise in different scales and keys to become more comfortable and confident with improvising. It would also help to do it in faster tempos as I improve.

Scales: Similarly to improve my scales I would learn a new one each week and improvise in it once I become used to it. This would also help me develop my music theory and chords because I could find chords in that key, record some and then improvise over it.

Repertoire: I will find songs that have good use of some of these categories and then learn them to put my knowledge in to context of real songs and songwriting.

My plan is to create two practise schedules so that I can alternate between categories and not get bored of doing the same routine while covering everything. Since there are eight categories I can split them in to doing 4 an hour, each for 15 mins. Moving between categories will help keep my mind fresh of with lots of things to learn which will hopefully motivate me more.


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